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Bob Goodrich Sportscasting Legend

Bob Goodrich: Sportscasting Legend

A Lifetime of Excellence

Bob Goodrich has dedicated his life to the world of sportscasting, leaving an enduring legacy in the industry. As the owner and founder of BG Tall Texan Productions and Sportscast Stars, his work has been recognized with prestigious awards, including the OUTSTANDING EDITED SPORTS SERIES in 1976.

Exceptional Career

Goodrich's career spans decades, during which he has covered countless sporting events and interviewed some of the biggest names in the game. His passion for sports and his ability to convey the excitement and emotion of the moment have made him a beloved figure among fans and colleagues alike.

Legacy Continues

Goodrich's influence on sportscasting continues to this day. His innovative techniques and unwavering commitment to excellence have inspired generations of aspiring sportscasters. Through his work, he has not only chronicled some of the most iconic sporting moments in history but has also fostered a deep appreciation for the power of sports to bring people together.


Bob Goodrich is a true legend in the world of sportscasting. His exceptional talent, tireless work ethic, and unwavering passion have made him an inspiration to countless others. As we reflect on his remarkable career, we can only marvel at the profound impact he has made on the industry and the legions of fans he has entertained and informed over the years.
